Contact Info
Phone: 00982188793745
Fax: 00982188793745
Secretariat Address: No.1,Separ Alley,Shahidi St., Jahan Koudak Crsd., Vanak Sq.Tehran-IRAN
Email address: anjoman.probiotic@gmail.com
PostalCode: 1518716513
1393/02/06 - 15:28 Preserve African Food Microorganisms

In according to universal importance of Probiotics and in direction of IRAN 1404 vision, it was the time to form an efficient and proper scientific society in our country too, to act on all aspects of production including pre-production (microbiologic and biotechnological aspects), co-production (food technology, pharma-technology, visotoring and selling) and post-production (clinical and similated clinical. And to have relationship with national and international departments.